mom of all trades

mom of all trades

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Monday, November 23, 2009

Dinosaur mania

It all started when my son stumbled upon a copy of child’s first library series in my in-laws’ place. It had been a gift given to my husband and occupied a place of pride in a locked glass cabinet. I let him choose a book and he chose a book of dinosaurs, mesmerized by a giant “T-rex” on the cover. That was the beginning..he was completely hooked. The dinosaur book replaced all the time tested favorite reads. It was bedtime stories , before school stories, lunchtime stories all rolled into one!!! Soon we were having conversations that would put any self respecting paleontologist to shame. So it was apatosaurus with an 80 bone tail, and stegosaurus with bony plates and maiasauras with materanal instincts that ruled our little world . The icing on the cake goes to…well his b’day cake which was(no marks for guessing!!) a menacing looking T Rex…the last thing those cute frilly frocks piggy tailed girls who attended it might have expected..still it was a great cake..take a look. The mania rages on...


  1. lovely ..the pic looks of innovative film city ?

  2. That's an awesome cake :) belated bday greetings.

  3. wow awesome cake..but i got scared a little :P
