mom of all trades

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Friday, March 9, 2012

An obituary to my hot water bag

Last week my 10 year old hot water bag passed away after loyally serving me during some of my darkest days. I wish I could say she passed away peacefully but unfortunately somebody trod on her and her shiny pink skin split into two...well I'll spare you the rest of the 'gory" details!!!!

so here is a little note to my  little friend who never failed to "warm" me with her presence

  Dear hot water bag,
               Thank you for keeping my little family warm and comfortable,

               for warming little toes on cold chilly evenings,

               for easing aching backs after a hard day at work,

               for teaming up with a mug of hot tea to comfort,when the world seems a cold cruel place;

               for offering warmth and comfort to three people in your  short life
               which is more than I can ever say for myself!!!


  1. RIP bag. You will forever be remembered and cherished! who crushed it?!!!!

  2. Wow, 10 years is a long time of companionship! Hi Anupama, I blog at Delurking here for the first time and also tagging you at my blog. Do take it up if you can. Cheers!

  3. thank u..will definitely visiy ure space

  4. number of your posts are descending.i am waiting for more nice writings..
